The final piece of your corporate phishing solution invitation only

Over 90% of successful computer system attacks start with phishing. The average cost of a data breach globally is $4 million dollars.

Today's solutions largely involve protection at the perimeter of your network, and user education and training. Every enterprise should have both of these solutions already in place, but it's not enough.

Today's most successful attacks are highly targeted and still slip right through. We're the 'last mile' solution for Microsoft Outlook-based enterprise email environments.

Our solution sits on the client, builds a profile of each user's email patterns, and provides feedback on the estimated safety of every email they see - with specific 'gotchas' highlighted.

Stilling on the client also allows us to deep crawl their existing inbox for threats that are lurking from the past, and it distributes the processing load across the enterprise.

A simple yet powerful centralized server and dashboard provides administrators with a snapshot of what's happening in their environment, and allows them to drill down and manage potentially critical incidents long before they become an issue.

Originally built for one of the largest companies on earth, this is the piece of your phishing protection that you've been missing.

It's offered by invitation and based on referral only, generally a CISO at one of our existing clients. We make no exceptions to this policy.

About The Founder

ScanPhish is the brain child of silicon valley Professor Jeffery A. Martin, PhD, a 35 year computer security veteran. Jeffery has co-authored or co-edited over a dozen books on information technology; held dozens of industry leading certifications; taught and consulted for major companies ranging from Google to Cisco to Microsoft; lectured at leading universities worldwide including: Harvard, Yale, Stanford, Hong Kong Polytechnic, the National University of Singapore, and the University of London; and been a frequent speaker at a wide range of industry conferences for many years.

Jeffery holds an undergraduate degree in applied computing and a graduate degrees in network architecture and design and project management; and spent several years at Harvard studying graduate-level psychology and neuroscience. ScanPhish was born out of the needs he kept hearing were unmet from major CISO's that he'd trained over the years, and remained in touch with. Many of these CISO's had desperately tried to get their other vendors to implement the solutions they needed, to no avail. So, Jeffery began to work with them to craft the solution they were seeking.